Jonathan Goodlow

  • Total activity 100
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  • Subscriptions 53


Recent activity by Jonathan Goodlow Recent activity Votes
  • Account & Privacy Settings

      To access your Account & Privacy Settings, navigate to your User Profile, select the menu button on the top-right of the screen, and you will see a Settings menu option.   The top section of your...

  • Troubleshooting

    During use of the Vinivia app, you may encounter some issues. If restarting the application does not work, please submit a ticket through the app.    Navigate to your User profile > Help > Report a...

  • Search Not Working

    If you are having issues with your search function, you may be having connectivity issues. Check your Wifi and phone signal. Make sure you have the latest version of the app. Try restarting your ap...

  • Copyright

    Live streaming offers an excellent opportunity to share and monetize your content, but it's essential to do so in a legal and responsible manner.    Can I use copyrighted music in my live stream w...

  • Saving Livestreams

    As a creator, you can save your livestream as a recorded livestream after you choose to end it.   During the livestream, you will see an "X" at the top-right of the screen. Tap the X. You will be a...

  • Profile Set up

    Edit profile details like your photo, bio, and category preferences so that we can get to know you better.   Navigate to your profile using the button on the right side of the bottom panel. Tap th...

  • Data Requests

      We take the use and management of your personal data as a serious matter. To make a data request, navigate to your User Profile > Settings > Help and Support > Help Center. You will see Report a ...

  • Video Quality

    If you are having issues with your video quality, you may be having connectivity issues. Check your Wifi and phone signal. Make sure you have the latest version of the app. Try restarting your app....

  • Music Copyright

    We understand that navigating music copyright can be confusing. Please review the following Vinivia DOs and DON'Ts. DO 1. Use Original Music: Share your own original compositions for which you own ...

  • Sharing a Livestream

    Sharing a livestream is a great way to help promote creators that you enjoy on Vinivia.   Within a livestream, you will see a share button on the top-right of the window. Tap this share button, and...